Situations Arise Because of Varying Perspectives and the Dynamics within Communities.


  • Abdul Said Universitas Nasional
  • Iskandarsyah Siregar Universitas Nasional


The interplay between diverse perspectives and the dynamics inherent within communities serves as a reciprocal and influential duo. Conflict serves as a catalyst for transformative shifts within communities, engendering a cycle of further discord. These dynamics exhibit their effects across varying scales, exerting an omnipresent influence on societies across temporal spectrums. The evolution of communities is characterized by an ongoing process of change, with each organizational entity inevitably undergoing metamorphoses. This study endeavors to compile a spectrum of viewpoints concerning the intricate relationship between differences in perspectives and the dynamics within communities. The implications of its findings are profound, offering insights and prognostications concerning the social milieu preceding and succeeding conflicts or alterations within communities. Employing discourse relation analysis as its methodology, this research meticulously scrutinizes the complex interrelationship between these variables, elucidating each contextual facet. Ultimately, it emphasizes the critical significance and nuanced sensitivity required to comprehend the ramifications of conflict on the dynamics inherent within communities.


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How to Cite

Said, A., & Siregar, I. (2023). Situations Arise Because of Varying Perspectives and the Dynamics within Communities. Contrastive Pragmatics, 1(2023 -). Retrieved from

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