Indonesia-China Relations within the Framework of ASEAN Policy


  • Adiba Yuri National University of Singapore


This study discusses the effect of China's economic revival on Indonesia's foreign policy orientation. Historically, the relationship between China and Indonesia, which had been severed in 1965 due to ideological conflicts and Indonesia's suspicion of China's support for the Indonesian communist party (PKI), has now started to re-establish since the 1990s, which began with China's economic growth. . The foreign policy of a country is often caused by a combination of unexpected external forces with unfavorable structural factors. The continued stalemate in China-Indonesia bilateral relations has equally serious consequences for China. In fact, China's diplomatic failure against Indonesia has cost China and that loss cannot be offset by the diplomatic gains generated by the opening of newrelations with other ASEAN countries. This study tries to discuss this situation in depth using several approaches in order to find two variables that become the topic of this thesis, namely the rise of the Chinese economy and its influence onIndonesia's foreign policy.


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How to Cite

Yuri, A. (2023). Indonesia-China Relations within the Framework of ASEAN Policy. Contrastive Pragmatics, 1(2023 -). Retrieved from