Analyzing Online Conduct: Exploring the Behavior of Netizens in Asia and Europe through a Comparative Conceptual Approach


  • Pietr Hskva University of Amsterdam


This research paper utilizes conceptual analysis to explore the contrasting online behaviors of netizens in Asia and Europe. The study seeks to uncover disparities in online consumer habits between these two regions and delve into the primary factors influencing these behaviors. This research holds relevance for businesses aiming to target online consumers in Asia and Europe, as it offers insights for the development of more tailored and effective marketing strategies.

The paper highlights a significant contrast between Asia and Europe in terms of the number of netizens, with Asia boasting a considerably larger internet user population. This discrepancy not only reflects differences in market size but also signifies varying levels of digital engagement between the two continents. Despite this, both regions exhibit a shared preference for using smartphones and tablets for online shopping, aligning with the global trend toward mobile e-commerce. However, specific regional variations within this overarching trend add complexity and nuance to the landscape. Asia displays substantial market potential due to the rapid growth of digital economies in countries like China, Japan, South Korea, and Southeast Asian regions. Conversely, Europe has potential e-commerce markets in countries such as Germany, Poland, and Norway, but some nations lag in the development of social delivery networks and services. This divergence suggests differing levels of market readiness between the two regions.


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How to Cite

Hskva, P. (2024). Analyzing Online Conduct: Exploring the Behavior of Netizens in Asia and Europe through a Comparative Conceptual Approach. Contrastive Pragmatics, 1(2023 -). Retrieved from